Monday, May 24, 2010

Balance Bound

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about BALANCE. It is something I truly struggle with. April and May I tried to focus on moderation and balance and simply taking life as it comes. My goal was to learn how to not beat myself up over mistakes in health and fitness and to enjoy the journey.

HOWEVER!! Lately, I've been swerving away from that brief practice and I REALLY want to just go ALL OUT! Should I? What could happen in my life over the next 6 months if I took that leap and went all out? I'm tempted to do this. It agrees with my personality.

I am in the mood for extreme diet and fitness. I want to see what I'm capable of. I'm tired of feeling like a loser. And I have big hidden question marks within wondering "What can I REALLY do if I tried my best"? What would my body be able to accomplish? Could I run a marathon? Can I look better than I did after I had Cameron? Is that even possible anymore?? Can I do most anything physically that I tried to? this is mistake? Would I only be an extreme fitness girl for a short season? What are the consequences? BUT...what if it wasn't just for a season? What if it lasted just like the extreme choice in my life to become a wife and mom lasted? Being a wife and mom is now just part of my identity. What if the same could be true of this adventure? Or will I just fail? Why can't balance and normality be sufficient for me? I know it's the most sensible so why do I shy away from it?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


My intention was to post every month. Somehow April has turned into May. Better late than never, right?

The theme of my workouts since posting last is setbacks. My knee's are hammered from JiuJitsu so at my Wife's recommendations I decided to take an 8 week grappling break. Also because of the injurys, running was out of the question. But I need my cardio. It's an important part of who I want to be physically. A little research revealed that the Navy allows their personal to test the PFT on an elliptical. Good enough for sailors, good enough for me.

April is also our birthday month. This is the box my Baby got me.

Inside was LOTS of get big helpers!

So I was all primed to get ripped. I quickly resolved to hit the gym on my way home from work every day. 10 Days into it I re-tore a tendon in my elbow. It's an injury I've battled for going on a decade. Discouraging is a giant understatement. Even using the upper portion of the elliptical is impossible.

So here I sit. My 8 week hiatus from JiuJitsu ends next Thursday. Hopefully I can adapt my style to allow light rolling despite my elbow. I know good and well I should be on the elliptical and just not using the top half of it. Seems skinny people get paralyzed by physical ineptness too. Hopefully my next post will be about measured progress.

On a better note, Lisa and I have started walking and jogging together. We do just over 3 miles a night. Cumulative it's more miles a week than I was logging running hard during intense training! The time we get is invaluable and we always feel better when we're done than we did before we started. Our time out is always the highlight of my day!