Saturday, July 24, 2010


Update time. I've been taking Cell-Tech for 47 days now, and I've worked out diligently since my last post. I also attended my first JiuJitsu class since March. Here's the jist of it all in bullet-points:

-7/14/10. Ran a new 3 mile personal best of 17:32. That puts me 33 seconds off my goal. However this weeks grappling class ended in a very long (20 minute-ish) sparring session with my instructor. It's amazing how much strength, determination and focus I lose when I am tired. To remedy this I am going to add a mile to my weekly runs. The goal is still sub 17 minutes for 3 miles, But I need to make sure I am pushing myself for 20 plus minutes.

-My weight is up... In a good way. I've gained about 10 pounds. If I gain 10 more over the next 50 day's I will be thrilled. I need 200 to be the lightest number I see on the scale, not a mid-day, post meal number.

-Pushups are hard. I can do more than when I last posted, and I might cheat my way into the 70's on a PT test. But I am nowhere near the 100 hard-core, good form, movements I would like.

-I can easily flat-bench 250. This was one of my goals that I am excited to reach. Now I need to get 350 on squat and 450 on dead lift. Squats are next. After I reach the 250-350-450 mark, each goal will go up 100 pounds.

-I am now in the best shape of my life. I can lift more, run farther, and grapple better, than ever before. I'm not where I want to be, but I am excited about the future. I feel blessed to have a healthy body and hope that God allows me to always be physically capable.

I want to end with a reminder to myself. Physical fitness for life is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be ups and there will be downs. But if I am consistent and approach each workout with intensity, the results I want will come.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Plan Z

Okay, I just looked back through some of my posts here and see MANY dancing thoughts but ZERO action. How pathetic is that?! But enough looking back...onto a new thought process and idea I had last night:

I was dwelling on some of my mental obstacles that I listed in my last post. A good chunk of them could be eliminated with my NEW idea...

K.I.S.S. Keep. It. Simple. Stupid.

I need to live this life. I love event planning and that incorporates food...lots of it. That is part of who I am so it stays. I want to be normal and live a manageable life. So I want to simply incorporate DAILY HEALTHY CHOICES into my life.

I realize this is completely opposite of going all out as I've talked about doing before! When I talk about going all out, I know I'm not being reasonable but it's the only way that usually excites me to action because I'm a huge "go big or go home" style of person. HOWEVER, I am at a point right now where I need to keep it simple, real, and doable.

I MUST, I NEED to be fit before I'm 30. I am terrified of turning 30 in the condition I'm in. I can't even mentally go there right now! I have 21 months to get healthy and fit. That's reasonable for sure BUT I have to do it not just THINK it! If I don't ACT then those 21 months will pass and I will be the same...and more miserable than anyone can imagine on my 30th birthday.

So, my new project is 21 months to be fit. That is MUCH slower pace than anything I've ever WANTED to do! But it is the real way to do it and maintain a real lifestyle.


- don't eliminate parties with good and fun food. NO deprivation. This is critical to my health issue that I deal with as well...depriving myself is a HUGE trigger in my dangerous disease.

-Do moderate the bad food to appropriate times, not indulging in it in everyday life.

- Make DAILY choices to eat smart.

- Exercise 3 times a week, with hopes of increasing it gradually

- Make active choices in leisure time.

That's my KISS plan. This is not plan A...or even plan is plan Z.....and it better work!