Saturday, July 24, 2010


Update time. I've been taking Cell-Tech for 47 days now, and I've worked out diligently since my last post. I also attended my first JiuJitsu class since March. Here's the jist of it all in bullet-points:

-7/14/10. Ran a new 3 mile personal best of 17:32. That puts me 33 seconds off my goal. However this weeks grappling class ended in a very long (20 minute-ish) sparring session with my instructor. It's amazing how much strength, determination and focus I lose when I am tired. To remedy this I am going to add a mile to my weekly runs. The goal is still sub 17 minutes for 3 miles, But I need to make sure I am pushing myself for 20 plus minutes.

-My weight is up... In a good way. I've gained about 10 pounds. If I gain 10 more over the next 50 day's I will be thrilled. I need 200 to be the lightest number I see on the scale, not a mid-day, post meal number.

-Pushups are hard. I can do more than when I last posted, and I might cheat my way into the 70's on a PT test. But I am nowhere near the 100 hard-core, good form, movements I would like.

-I can easily flat-bench 250. This was one of my goals that I am excited to reach. Now I need to get 350 on squat and 450 on dead lift. Squats are next. After I reach the 250-350-450 mark, each goal will go up 100 pounds.

-I am now in the best shape of my life. I can lift more, run farther, and grapple better, than ever before. I'm not where I want to be, but I am excited about the future. I feel blessed to have a healthy body and hope that God allows me to always be physically capable.

I want to end with a reminder to myself. Physical fitness for life is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be ups and there will be downs. But if I am consistent and approach each workout with intensity, the results I want will come.

1 comment:

  1. You've gained 10 pounds?!! :-o I KNEW your arms were looking good...told you so.

    I admire and respect you and the consistent work you've done! I'm serious. You are an incredible example to those around you.

    I also really like your clear and organized style of tracking your progress.
